Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bright Spot Amid the Dark Clouds of Unemployment

So DH had an interview today with EDD, (California's Employment Development Department.) Or at least, he thought it was an interview. He just went in to Tier 1 of Federal Benefits, which will end in 6 weeks, and then we will have no income coming in. 

When you walk in, it turns out it is a "one stop" resource center for EDD, Coastline Community College (one of our local, mostly online community colleges) and the umbrella job organization called, appropriately, One Stop (http://www.oconestop.com).

Wow. We'll start with the fact that it is a private enterprise, which has a contract with the State of California and Title I federal funds, to find people jobs, get them trained up in careers, set up interview space for employers to come and hire workers. It's AMAZING.

Although they technically get paid "by the State" and they have a State entity on their premises (EDD), they are not run by, or directed by, the State. Which (a) explains why they are so successful and (b) goes a long way in explaining why the State didn't bother to let DH know that such an organization existed, you know, way back eight months ago when he first got let go as opposed to 6 weeks before his unemployment runs out. It is NOT that practically worthless organization which is run by the State: CalJobs

One of the amazing things we found out is that OneStop has an aggressive recruiting campaign with employers. Consequently, they get job listings about 2 weeks before they hit the regular market. And we are not talking minimum wage jobs. We're talking the kinds of jobs which can actually support a family.

Need a place to print out or fax resumes? Go there.

Need to know how to put together a resume and dress for an interview? Go there.

Want to go to a job interview where they are likely to hire you? Go there (after all, they already know you come with the value-add of a Work Tax Credit.)

 Need to get redirected in to better training or better skills? Go there. They can hook you right up with the community college, get you accepted, enrolled, help you fill out financial aid, etc. Right there.

Age 15-21 and having a hard time finding work (face it: there's age discrimination at both ends of the spectrum.) Go there. They have a class and a list of employers willing to "take a chance" on young people with little to know experience.

Older, seasoned employee being displaced for likely the first time? They've got a program for that.

Just out of jail? They've got a reality program on what you need to do and how you need to get there if you're serious about getting your life squared away.

Re-entering the workforce if you are a former SAHM, or a recently released Military Vet? They've got a reality program for you too.

OH YEAH, DID I MENTION IT'S ALL FREE for you the "client?"

So exactly why is it, that the State of California figures they don't need to tell anyone about this great program? I have a theory. It might be because the misguided do-gooders of the world would rather create a dependent welfare State.

But  it is just really impressive to see what can be done by private enterprise when the State acknowledges that they can't get the job done, and they just get out of the way.

If you live in California, check your local listings for One Stop. If you live elsewhere, clicking on the hyperlink above should get you a "contact us" email; find out if your State has something similar.