Monday, September 21, 2015

A Ham + A Radio =

...a new learning experience!

It's tough being without a computer and the internet. My EMT son has it while he's in training at his new company. And I don't have internet at home yet, so I am limited in my hours.

Volunteered for ham radio communications at a local bicycle race this past weekend. "The guys" were able to chirp (program) my ham radio, so now I have a working radio: that's a plus. I was able to get on the radio, so I'm over my fear of talking on it: that's a plus. It started to rain, and the cloud cover and rain blocked my signal (with the little antenna I have). That's not so good: in an emergency, that's actually when you'll need it, not just when the skies are sunny and blue.

So now I get to add a bit more "stuff" to my prepper list. Like it's not long enough already.

Ok, short post today. Really need to catch up on some genealogy before my 1 hour of time at the library runs out.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Acquiring stuff vs downsizing

It's interesting. After 6+ months of downsizing, I am loathe to fill up our house with "stuff." I can't even imagine where I am going to put the things that are in storage in California; (answer: the third bedroom which was converted from a one car garage.)

But it is really impressive how much "stuff" you can do without. We were able to obtain a couch set in good condition for free this weekend; a TV stand, dresser, washer dryer set, record player, coffee and end table for $190. 

And with that, the house is pretty much full. A pot to boil spaghetti so I don't have to make it in the pressure cooker, maybe another chest of drawers and we are done.

Egads. Tiny House mentality is really freeing. I hope we can keep it up, and downsize even more once the "stuff" gets here.