Friday, May 24, 2013


URGENT: HOMESCHOOLING HAS BEEN UPDATED to post notice about a Common Core information meeting Sat May 25 in Mission Viejo California.

Ah, the blessings which come from turning the other cheek.

If you listen to the marketing hype, Memorial Day is not about remembering our dead, heaven forbid, it's about working in our yards, courtesy of those big Orange and Blue Box stores.

Well, actually, on Monday, I'm going to be doing the traditional, observing Memorial Day, the annual cleaning of gravesites, placing flowers. It's virtually an all day affair.

But SATURDAY, I'm going to be getting my front yard done. Yes, the stars have aligned: my leg is sufficiently healed, the kids are all home, there's no I decided we could at least rise at the crack of dawn before it gets too hot, get the grass torn up and the retaining wall in, even if we didn't do anything else.

By the way, before I forget, do an internet search on the Anti-Monsanto rallies taking place world wide tomorrow May 25th. There might be one near you !

So while I was at the Orange Box store picking up my retaining wall stone, I happened to notice a pallet full of torn, damaged bags of compost. "Hmmm," I thought to myself...."I think after I make my two trips to and from the store for the retaining wall," (I couldn't load all 30 at once in the vehicle), "I'll pick up the shovel I need, the level, and grab that compost if it's still here."

Third trip back, grab all the compost on the pallet, push it to the front, cashier goes "yeah, we don't sell individual damaged bags of compost, it's sold by the pallet." I replied, "yes, you do, I do it all the time, and this IS the whole pallet." She's like "well, I can't sell that," I'm like, "well get someone who can." 

30 minutes later, the guy-who-can-make-decisions came out, says "I think someone's already bought that, hence the reason there's no price on the pallet." I said, "ok, well, can you check? Because if not, I'll buy the whole pallet worth" (since I have it loaded already dude.) 20 minutes later he comes back, says, "well, I guess it hasn't already been sold, but I'll have to process it and that will take a little while." I said "ok I'll wait then", but I was THINKING: dude, do I LOOK like someone who's willing to walk away from a killer bargain?? Let's shake some leg!

He comes back about 20 minutes later (so yeah, I've now been standing around for about an hour waiting), hands me this computer printout with all the SKU numbers, description, quantities etc., circled. I'm doing the math and it comes to about $60. I think, well, that seems a bit pricey, but okay, it IS a whole pallet worth after all. 

I push my carts forward, and I realize that there is printing on the other side of the computer printout. I turn it over and it says, "Culled Garden Product. Price is now..." (wait for it....)


Yep. Big heavy sigh can be heard expressing deep satisfaction. I live in an 8.25% sales tax area. That basically means I got FREE product and just paid the "retail equivalent" of sales tax.

Just doesn't get any better than FREE.

God loves me. He loves you too, but today I was first in the love line <grin> !

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Wishing you, your families, and your departed loved ones warmth, love and affectionate memories.

1 comment:

  1. I recently read an article (I believe it was a yahoo article) that said Home Depot employees are allowed to give discounts without going too high up the food chain. (don't quote me next, but I believe it's like this:) Floor Employees $50, Dept managers $500 and store manager $1000. I might be off on the managers' amounts...but basically you should not have had to go through such an ordeal to get the discount. Super nice discount though!!!! I'm going to start checking out my local HDs to see where they have their broken bags of stuff!
