Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Heroic Husband

The reason why my DH was let go from work corresponds to an earlier post in February: Bullying. I choose to write about it in the event it helps someone out in cyber-land.

About 6 weeks ago, DH came home from work and told me about an incident which, although the behavior had been ongoing, had come to a head that day. One of his subordinates had been terrorizing, bullying and harassing two women at work. DH had finally had enough, and reported him to management. He came home and said there was a good chance he'd get fired for his intervention. I told him if he got fired for standing up for the right, I was good with that all day long.

So we weren't too surprised when the women involved, fearful for their jobs, discounted the severity of the incidents, passing them off as "harmless." We were disappointed that the company chose to do the "easier" thing, rather than the right thing.

Choosing the "easier" path rather than the honorable road, is not an uncommon reaction. We recently found this article published by the Workplace Bullying Institute. 66% of people who fight back against workplace bullying are fired!

On a broader scale, if you ever wanted tangible evidence of our decayed educational system, you're seeing it in that statistic. When we took God out of our schools (more specifically, His teachings, i.e., the Golden Rule), and replaced it with "we can't hurt anyone's feelings, even if they do something bad," this is the result. Isaiah saw our day (Isaiah 5:20) when he stated "Woe unto them who call good evil, and evil good..." 

Did you know that the translation of the word Woe, is more accurately translated in english as cursed?  The next time you are reading scripture, substitute "cursed" for the word "woe." It will blow your mind. Take Isaiah 5:20 for example. Cursed are those who call good evil and evil good....

Applied to our situation, the company is cursed (they kept a bully rather than choose the good), we're "cursed" in that we no longer have employment (somehow, I think that in the long run, we're going to be better off, I just have to say,) and the women involved who were too afraid to shine the light on evil, still remain in that environment, victimized. 

This is not a "woe is us" post (pun intended.) This is a call to action. Edmund Burke (an Irish philosopher, politician and considered the founder of Conservatism) said "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." If more of us shined the light on evil, and exposed it for what it was, evil would shrink and wither away. If more of us we teach the Golden Rule in our homes, insist on it in our schools and communities, we change the tide of rampant evil.

We can change lives for good, if we simply choose to have the courage to stand up and be counted among the righteous. Standing against tyranny comes at a cost. Sometimes one just has to decide that the cost of ignoring it, is too high.

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