Saturday, February 16, 2013

Math U See

I just received an email from MathUSee, a math skills mastery program we use. It took me nearly two years to find a math program which worked for my son.

I am VERY unhappy to hear they have "revamped their entire curriculum to incorporate Common Core." If I wanted a math program which taught social engineering versus actual Math, my kids would be in public schools.

I've emailed Math-U-See and asked them for sample pages. I'm going to be really unhappy if (a) it's as bad as I think it might be, and (b) I have to buy the next 5 years of math NOW just so I can get away from Common Core.

It's really unfortunate MUS didn't bother to do a survey of its customer base before they jumped on the "me too" social engineering bandwagon.


  1. Kathryn,

    Thank you for your interest in Math-U-See.

    We rely on our 20 plus years of experience, combined with consistent feedback to continue improving our curriculum to meet the changing needs of our customers. An overwhelming number of recent requests prompted our latest revisions to the Primer through Zeta series. These updates were made within the context of the proven framework of our curriculum, which is a skill-based, multi-sensory program. Because our school customers are being required to meet the Common Core State Standards, we have provided information on when concepts indicated by the CCSS can be found in the Math-U-See sequence as a courtesy to them.

    You can read more about the update here:

  2. Kathryn,

    What did you decide about the new MUS curriculum?

    Just wondered about your take on it after you reviewed the material.


    1. They have posted the sample pages for Alpha through Zeta on their website. From what I can see, the "Common Core" addition is contained in Section G for each level. I haven't found it yet in the Secondary Math levels.

      It's hard to tell from a singular sample page, but if the sample page is truly reflective of how they have integrated CC, I think they have done a good job. Some of them (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) are obviously CC if you're familiar with CC, but at least you don't have the Propaganda Components like you do in so many states' CC math curriculum.

      Propaganda is one of my biggest concerns about CC. When combined with the jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none State Math public school programs, I was very concerned that MUS was going to abandon its mastery skills approach and start integrating the JOATMON & piecemeal approach.

      I am happy to see from the sample pages that this is not the case. I hope that the sample pages are truly reflective of what they have done for each unit. If I "HAD TO" get a math program which was CC compliant, I'd get MUS.
