Friday, January 11, 2013

Payroll Tax Impact

(gardening updated)

Well, ours wasn't as bad as others. It sure makes me realize though, the wisdom in getting out of debt and staying that way.

My working budget is less than my husband's take home pay. That's because I usually forget nickle and dime stuff, like NetFlix, TheBlazeTV (see, I just remembered that one, now I have to go back and adjust my budget!!), etc., so I left about $53 in the checking account "just in case." There's always a Redbox fee or a "I had to buy lunch" debit I don't know about till it shows up...!

Anyway, the "net to us" on my paper budget was only $1 less, so that was a big sigh of relief. I was hoping it wasn't going to be more than $25. Don't get me wrong: that translates to a real $54 a paycheck or $108 a month in real money we no longer have. But I'm grateful; a dual income couple I know just had their disposable income go down by $400  this month due to the 2% payroll tax hike. 

I belong to the DaveRamsey Debt Beater's yahoogroup. We've been discussing this topic for the past week or so. No one else seems as annoyed as I was by the 2% hike; perhaps they were just better prepared than I was for it. I guess it bothers me so much because that 2% isn't really going into SSI. It's really going to offset the $716 BILLION dollars the President et all stole to pay for Obamacare. 

And it angers me that the American people were so stupid to believe that the "only" people who would be paying "their fair share" (what an oxymoron) were those making $250k or more, so they voted for the "free" stuff guy.  I hope they're happy. I am less secure in my person, property, wealth and liberty, and I am paying more for it.

The price we pay for living in an unrighteous society.

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