Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I am feeling my age, and not doing well in dealing with it.

I may have mentioned a time or two that I 'did' the 60s. Come from left-leaning, rabble rousing parents. I descend from a decorated officer in the Revolutionary War on my mamma's side. My father served in Korea. My stepfather was a career officer in the Air Force through three wars (WWII, Korea, Vietnam, yes, I know it wasn't called the AF back in WW2). I have a daughter who is currently a career Air Force officer, and a nephew who enlisted into the Army and is in Afganistan as we speak. My oldest son is planning on being an AirForce officer. So it's not like we are an anti-military family.

So why then, am I having such a negative, visceral reaction to the notice that my son "HAS TO" register for the selective service draft?

When I started filling out paperwork for FAFSA (the college financial aid stuff) I got to the part which said "you have to register for the draft if you want financial aid." Well, okay then, I thought. We'll just be cash flowing college. I'm okay with the standard "if you want money from your country, you better be willing to serve your country."

Here's what I'm NOT okay with. We got a letter saying "You're 18 and you haven't registered for the draft. Do it NOW or we will prosecute you."

I'm not okay with:

1. We are an All Volunteer military. So what the H*** do you need a draft for?

2. How the H**** do you know about my son and his age? (THAT bugs me more than you know given the whole NSA stuff going on.)

3. In an age where Obama, the "commander in chief" violates the constitution and the law daily, how dare you threaten us with prosecution and imprisonment if he doesn't register for the draft?

4. The illegal aliens are "exempt from the draft" (that's a QUOTE!) What happened to "if you take $ from the government you have to serve your government?"

5. Those who are in a medical or mental hospital are exempt (ok I get that one), as are convicted felons, although it might only be if they are incarcerated. If not, so let me get this straight: you want the best and the brightest to fight, but not those who spit on liberty? I'm not saying I disagree with the logic (I did the 60s and remember the 'jail or army' drill, after all), but WHY IS IT THAT THOSE WHO DISHONOR THE LAW GET TO SKATE and those of us who are law abiding are forced to serve?

6. We won't even PAY the ones we have now who are VOLUNTEERING to serve, and you want to draft MORE???

I acknowledge that my reactions stem from my anti-war, 60s and 70s days when we had an active draft. It's the compulsion part of this that bothers me the most; like many after 9/11 my son would stop what he is doing and enlist if needed. He feels a deep love for this country. Second in line to my repulsion is the big brother is watching your every move tone

Like I said, I'm showing my age. My son will likely feel it is no big deal registering for the draft. ME? I'm ready to send it back with a big F you on it. Except it's not my name on it, so I better calm down, have a nice cup of chamomile tea, and talk to my son.

1 comment:

  1. Without a draft the Civil War would have had a completely different outcome. I support the draft. I oppose the volunteer [and overly compliant] army. I want mothers and fathers to feel that they need to have a say in whether to embark in crazy military adventures. I was eligible for the draft in the Vietnam War. It "engaged" me in what was going on in Vietnam in an especially visceral way. I honor Eisenhower as the greatest American President in my lifetime. No speech by any president after him touches the level of his farewell speech. Most people quote it for the comments on the Military Industrial Complex [he originally included "Congressional" in his draft of the phrase] ... but he was JUST as strong in his condemnation of mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren with debt. I revere him.
