My women's group at church is having a voluntary challenge: living solely on your home storage for two weeks. They issued the challenge a month ago, so it's not like you didn't have enough time to prepare and stock up (hmmm THAT sounds familiar!)
Anyway the challenge starts today (or maybe tomorrow, they said "this weekend") and we were fortunate this week to get a little more money than we had expected, so we were able to do a bit more stocking up yesterday. I'm already regretting not stocking up on chocolate ;)
My Thrive freeze dried food ( arrived last week, so combined with what we already had and had patched up the holes in our storage this past few weeks, we're good from a food standpoint. I'm really happy the Thrive freeze dried arrived in time, DD19 is vegan so we've got "real food" she will eat from preps now, (vs just basics) and helps round out the basic food supply.
I'm already noticing that it's not the essentials we're going to run out of, it will be the "things which make life easier." Like, Qtips. Allergy meds (down to 1 pill as of this AM). Nothing life threatening just stuff you don't think of.
If you elected to participate in the challenge, you are not supposed to go to the store for two weeks. You can call or email and barter something for what you need, but you can't go to the store. So sadly, we are going to have to "officially" start tomorrow AM (Sunday): I don't really want to go without allergy meds for two weeks.
We are really looking forward to it, and I'll be blogposting the journey here. We bought 4 gallons of milk yesterday: only DS16 and DH actually drink milk so hopefully they will be mindful and not wasteful. Otherwise when it runs out, they'll be using the Thrive instant milk. I'm hoping for their sake it's better than the powdered milk I already have. Who knows? This may be the moment when I convert DH to the idea of having a milk goat or egg laying chickens (ha ha ha.) Since I have to get allergy meds, we are going to get two more half gallons of almond milk for DD19: we will freeze one and we are going to dehydrate the other and figure out how many tablespoons of powder plus 1 pint of water = normal tasting. I'll blogpost the process and results also.
We should be good for the next two weeks on non-food stuffs: toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant, bar soap. We opened our last bottle of dish soap yesterday....but we should be fine for two weeks. We bought 4 loaves of bread yesterday; when it runs out I'll be baking bread again (everyone but me happy about that, lol. I don't mind baking bread I just haven't uncovered my bread pans or bread machine yet from the move a year ago!!) I guess I can experiment with artisan bread. Oh that reminds me, I better buy yeast today too or we're going to be eating unleavened bread!
I stocked up my son's freezer Wednesday, so he should be good for two weeks as well. He's not "officially" doing it, but it means when we see him this next two weeks, we won't need to be buying anything at a store for him. So he's unofficially doing the challenge even though he doesn't know it.
Stay tuned !!
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