Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Uber-ing my way out of debt

Some of you already know I quit my job a week ago. I probably should have tried to hang on longer, but when it gets to the point where you're physically threatened because you won't break the law, it's time to go.

So in the meantime, while I'm waiting for other work or unemployment to come through (or litigation), I'm Uber-ing.

Yesterday was my first "full time" day: 6 hours. I earned $60, basically $10 an hour. Now, before you pooh-pooh the earnings I hope to convince you of the blessings of signing up to Uber (here's a link: https://partners.uber.com/i/dktvr4vns)

1. $60 x 5 days a week = $300. $300 x 52 weeks a year = $15,600 !! That's a pretty hefty chunk of change for a part time job. For us, that's enough to pay off 1/3 of our total debt, or pay for two of our children to serve full time missions for the entire duration. I've actually earned slightly more (hour wise) at night during prime time (rush hour traffic) but haven't done it consistently.

2. Uber-ing is relatively "instant cash." You don't have to spend days/weeks/months applying for jobs and interviewing and hearing back. You do have to have a car in good condition (hint: apply online https://partners.uber.com/i/dktvr4vns, there's no inspection), and there are age parameters for the car.

3. You get paid every week, direct deposit. You do get a 1099 at the end of the year, so you'll have to set some aside for taxes.

4. You meet some really interesting people. Oddly enough, most of the people I've Uber-ed are women, so I think they are more comfortable when a woman picks them up. I shuttled a blind person yesterday, as well as an 89 year old gentleman who was a crack up.

5. You can opt on the Uber partner app (once you're approved) to have continuous fares. Basically what that means is when you are nearing the drop off for Ride #1 Uber will send you a message "hey Ride #2 is right near you, do you want the job?" and you accept or decline. Accepting means you just go from fare to fare to fare without any down time, and without much back and forth.

I was pretty much busy all day yesterday. I dropped my DH off at work, stuck around his free Wifi lobby and applied for jobs for about a half hour, turned Uber on, and had a fare within 15 minutes (which surprised me, since I wasn't "downtown.") I stayed busy after that until I turned Uber off around 3pm. 

My plan is to continue doing the same daily M-F, until I find other work. I live too far outside the metroplex to drive in alone just to Uber. $1200 is about the delta I need to make between DH's job and covering the bare basics of bills and living. Sure, there's gas involved (talk about wishing I had a Prius!!) but for the time being, it'll do. 

Would I be "money ahead" working at McDonald's et all for $10 a hour? Expense wise, maybe. Can they guarantee me 30 hours a week? Probably not. I have a second interview today and hopefully sometime this week I can get in front of a temp agency. Our personal lives (job notwithstanding) are in such a state of flux that I really need to have some flexibility.

I decided to start doing Uber a few months ago (sporatic to be sure) when I heard a guy on the Dave Ramsey show question Dave about "how to plan for retirement when his self-employment job doesn't have any major expenses." Dave asked him how much he netted after expenses. He said about $4k a month. Dave said, that's pretty good, what do you do?

He said: "I drive for Uber."

Dave about had a cow, and so did I. Check it out. Seriously for a part time job, it's pretty sweet.


  1. Nice! Sounds like a good job to me!

  2. That's probably the best Uber job description I've ever seen! Way to be resourceful during a very stressful time, I plan to forward this info. to someone I know that is going through something similar and could use this!!
