Monday, February 8, 2016

Being Spiritually Centered

I may have mentioned before, my friend Wendi gifted me with some tapes by James B. Cox, on how to better become spiritually centered. One of his main views is that all "problems" are centered here in the temporal, earthly world. All solutions to those problems can be found by tapping in to the Spiritual world: seeking answers and revelation from God.

One of the things I've been working on the most is remembering my stewardships versus ownerships. As an "owner" I would focus on how "I" want to do it. As a steward, I focus on how God wants me to do it. This has had a great impact on my work in Dallas for example, where I function as the de facto COO. My favorite phrase is "I don't tell you (the owners) how to run your business, I just account for it." 

It's been a long 6 weeks by anyone's standards: baseball season has started, I've been in two major car accidents and am still recovering with a concussion from the 2nd, hence the reason I haven't blogged in quite a while. Despite circumstance, time waits for no woman, so I have found myself having to rely even more heavily on my Father in Heaven to get me through it. (Although I am experiencing that with a concussion, you actually can change the way the world tilts on its

I am grateful for the opportunities to seek the Spirit rather than sink comfortably in to darkness. Friday I succumbed a bit: I had provided for DH to be comfortable in his travels which included direction on adding cash to his debit card for motel charges; instead he called late Friday afternoon wanting to know how he was going to rent a room since he didn't put money on the debit card like I had instructed. Tired, my head hurting, I was my old self, speaking brusquely. I should have instead spoken the facts calmly: you made a choice to ignore, there are natural consequences.

I've noticed it's harder to get out of a familiar rut than it is to stay out of it in the first place. Sunday one of my local church leaders spoke about how "the purpose of this life is to struggle, it's hard to get back to God." I couldn't disagree more. If one chooses to do it God's way, it's actually pretty easy. It's easy to feel the Spirit, it's easy to gain assurance you are on the right path, it's easy to have the Spirit with you always.

It's when we try to do it "our" way or the world's way, that the way becomes hard. Perhaps that is why Christ encouraged us to take His yoke upon us, because His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Thank you for letting me blog about this. I needed a way to shift in to a spiritual center, and sharing this got me there.

Vaya con Dios.

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