Monday, July 20, 2015

The Devil's Revenge

Not happy with our escape from California, the devil took his revenge. My DH is still in California. Crashed on his motorcycle the day we crossed over into Texas. DH is okay, bike....will be okay.

We arrived late (10pm) last night after leaving at 530am from Albuquerque. 

We could have stayed elsewhere, but after 3 days of getting up at 4am, I was ready to sleep in until 730am, which we could only do if we got all the way to the DFW area. I had a child care job interview Monday afternoon. After rethinking it, I determined it wasn't the right fit (2-3 hours a day M-F in the heart of Dallas.) Since we are going to be tenting it from a distance of 70-85 miles, I figured that wasn't the best use of mileage. Although in retrospect, it might have been.

We finalized our entrance and food arrangements at 6 Flags over Texas (6F). We now get free entrance, free parking, and two free meals a day per person, and unlimited free drinks (soda, powerade, lemonade, water.) Today alone, our meals were the equivalent of one "season dining pass." We still need to get our timing down; after all, we won't be just dropping in for the heck of it from 70-85 miles away. But we have to look for jobs in air conditioning somewhere. Might as well be at the local Arlington library or Starbucks as the one far far away. But in this heat, I'm LOVING not having to cook, even if it is heating up hot water for freeze dried food.

It is way the heck hot in Texas. OK, we lived four blocks from the beach in California and caught the cool afternoon sea winds every day. So anyplace is going to be hot by comparison. But since we get free electricity at our campsite, I am seriously thinking about buying a small air conditioner and running it in the tent <grin.> Sigh. An air conditioned trailer would be so nice. Although, as a friend of mine pointed out, so would a house or an apartment <grin.>

The weather is a small price to pay for living free. Coming down State Hwy 287 we passed a whole lot of churches (one tiny town had population 195 and 10 churches!), a whole lot of "God loves you" signs, a passel of "God Bless America" signs; things you never see in California. Ever. Everyone is friendly, says hello, goodbye and punctuates the end of their sentences with Sir and Ma'am.

I'm already over carting stuff around in the cars, so I think we are going to rent a small storage space somewhere convenient. (Do I really need to cart my 2000w generator with me every where I go? Prepper types may remain silent on that issue.)

So far, we are healthy, happy and looking forward to our new life of freedom. And we thought it a good omen that even the food says TEXAS!

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