I posted the other day that my two sons were involved in a pretty gnarly (!) car accident.
We ended up getting a Toyota Prius from the car rental agency.
Can I tell you how great it feels to drive to and from work (52 miles round trip) on a single gallon of gas?
There are some things about it which I find disconcerting. The push button starter for instance. Call me old fashioned, or maybe it's because we have replaced the electric starter twice already on the brand-new scooter, but I like having a starter which turns. The mini gear shift takes some getting used to as well. It just doesn't feel like it's in gear.
Those minor things come in a distant last compared to the $20 a day we are not spending on gas. Not that I'm a debt person, but what we are spending on gas a month would pretty much cover a Prius car payment. When you add what we would spend on gas in a Prius, we are pretty much at break even if not a little ahead.
Just saying.
Grateful for the silver linings in car accidents. We may just be able to keep our head above water this month.
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