Lundbeck v. Oklahoma (and Texas.)
As the Sesame Street song goes, "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong..."
What the court cases in the first paragraph have in common is the left forcing a company to engage in practices which the company's owners, find objectionable. (Hobby Lobby, Conestoga, Little Sisters object to paying for certain abortifaceants; Elane objecting to photographing a gay ceremony, Mullins objecting to providing a cake for similar reasons, Perry overriding the voting will of the people.)
The left howled in force (pun intended) to inflict their personal will; state and national courts with no backbone acted like many parents when faced with a two-year-old's tantrum: they caved in and buckled. Like many two-year-olds, the left screams and stomps their feet not on principle, but simply because they can.
They do it to force unwilling participants to do what the left wants, regardless of the business owner's personal beliefs. And the left (and the courts) applaud that standard "as the price of citizenship." (Justice Rosson, Willock v. Elane Photography)
If this is the legal standard the left wants to impose on the rest of us, why is the left taking no action against Lundbeck the Danish firm which supplies pentobarbitol in the United States? Pentobarbitol has many uses, and is widely sold in the U.S. as an effective treatment for epilepsy. It is currently in the news as the drug used for legal executions in the U.S. Pressure from the left has influenced Lundbeck to "restrict for sale the use of its product if it is intended to be used for executions, based on our personal opposition to the death penalty."
Wait, WHAT? Where are all the leftist lawyers? Why aren't they marching en masse on Lundbeck, filing lawsuit after lawsuit, to force Lundbeck to sell to Oklahoma and Texas state governments? After all, the legal standard the "rest of us" have to live by is: YOU aren't ALLOWED A PERSONAL OPINION or VIEWPOINT, especially if you run a company.
So Lundbeck should be FORCED to sell to Oklahoma or Texas, if they want to do business in the United States at all, right?
I mean, that's only fair. Right?
The silence from the left is deafening.
After all, "a person can pray to whatever God" (or not) "they want to, but when they decide to do business, they must leave their personal beliefs at the door" (Justice Rosson, ibid.)
Or how about Tobias Barrington Wolff, a University of Pennsylvania law professor who supported the witch hunt against Elane when he said, "no court has ever found that a company business selling commercial services to the general public" (that would be Lundbeck, widely selling its pentobarbitol to treat epilepsy in the U.S.) "has a (First Amendment) right to turn away customers."
Except when you're opposed to the death penalty. Then it's ok.
Or that great defender of personal freedom, the ACLU (in reference to Elane and other litigation), "every business has to play by the same rules to protect customers from discrimination in the marketplace."
Except when you're opposed to the death penalty. Then it's ok.
If you as a business owner are NOT ALLOWED to object to killing a child in the womb, then you certainly shouldn't be allowed to object to killing a murderer.
That's the legal standard the left wants. Except when it doesn't work for them.
If you as a business owner are NOT ALLOWED to decline services on religious or moral grounds, then you shouldn't be allowed to DECLINE the purchase of your product on moral grounds.
That's the legal standard the left wants. Except when it doesn't work for them.
Don't be confused. The left isn't interested in defending rights. Its targeted objective is to eliminate them.
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