What an historic day, regardless of outcome.
Today (likely) will see the election of the first woman as President of the United States. How I wish it was a different woman, but the ayes had it. I also would have preferred the first hispanic President of the United States compared to the possibility of the first citizen-candidate (non-governing/experienced person) to become elected to the Presidency since...oh say, the founding of the Republic. But the nays carried that one too.
It would have been wonderful to elect, the first black female as President of the USA (Condeleeza Rice) but we beat her up too bad previously for her to even have considered a run. And we were too bigoted last time around to elect the first non-scandal-ed President (Romney) since....yeah, basically the founding of the Republic or this one too (Santorum.)
Whether you are for or against the particular candidates, I hope the results of apathy have taught us all a huge lesson. Far too many stayed home during the primaries on all sides, thinking their vote wouldn't matter. Florida (Bush v Gore, 537 vote delta) should have taught us that it did. Far too many will stay home today thinking all is lost.
A little levity about voting here in Texas vs California.
So in California, home of "regulate every aspect of your life", we get a booklet courtesy of the state government, of all the candidates: national, state, county, local. Plus the propositions (proposed laws). Plus arguments for and against each of the laws. Plus candidate statements (local anyway.) Since my Pandora account is still linked to my 92647 (soCal) zip code, I've been getting bombarded with Pandora ads about the bazillion propositions on the California ballot.
Assuming that every state operates similarly, I've been asking for a "voter's guide" in my county since like, September. Everyone has looked at me like I am completely crazy and don't know what I'm talking about. At best, I finally got in front of a live body at the county registrar's office and she said, "oh we don't do that here."
I wrote it off to "I live in small county Texas."
NOPE. That would be, "I live in SMART county Texas."
I voted early. (We don't have Vote By Mail ballots here unless you are elderly, handicapped or infirm--that part IS small county Texas). I got a paper ballot because of all the fraud stuff that's going around. In California, a national election (= higher voter turnout) sends the proposition people into hyperdrive...there's a million more props than usual.
Yeah....I'm in Texas now.
Home of:
- No statewide Props (aka, we prefer you use Common Sense to run your life, not regulations)
- TWO county propositions (junior college tax, and a road bond issue),
- Presidential candidates with multiple party candidates (four parties BTW)
- Local county candidates (about a handful with multiple parties listed)
- And the vast majority of local candidates running unopposed.
It was hilarious. No wonder everyone acted like I was nuts. Oh, and that college tax? It's doomed to failure since the wrong tax rate was printed on the ballot, but it still was allowed to proceed anyway. Not the only reason it is doomed to fail, but in CA, candidates and Prop-masters have taken wording all the way to the California Supreme Court for spelling and minor typographical errors for crying out loud, and holding up the process to boot.
Here it's like: eh. Figure it out. Do your own research. Draw your own conclusions.
What a frigging concept.
Go vote.