Monday, January 28, 2013

Insidious Water Rights

 (JAN 30th: HOMESCHOOLING page has been updated.)

(This post also appears on the Agenda 21 page. GARDENING page has been updated for California's water rights.) This is one of those moments when I regret no longer having a national following.

January 28th

Occasionally, someone will ask me to provide an example of Agenda 21 in action. It is with great sadness that I provide a real world, concrete example from a city which ought to be the greatest defender of freedom. I'm talking about YOU, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH!!

Salt Lake City, Utah, if you recall, is a card carrying member of ICLEI ( ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is the radical front group which pushes governments big and small, into placing laws on the books. These laws have only one purpose: to take away the rights of citizenry and place all aspects of YOUR life under the control of government.

People mistakenly think that ICLEI swoops in, slaps down a million laws with a heavy hammer tagged Agenda 21. No, sheeple, ICLEI sneaks in on padded footsteps, slaps down a million tiny laws under the cover of "the greater collective good," taking away each freedom by degrees, until like the frog, you are boiled alive.

What better place to do this than Salt Lake City? A city, which by far, has a population who believe in honoring, obeying, and sustaining the law? Too many of its citizenry, when faced with an Agenda 21 law, will shrug their shoulders and think, "well, it's the law, I better comply, or I won't be worthy." No people. What you need to do is wake up, recognize evil for what it is, throw out the evildoers in the next election, go through your city's laws with a fine tooth comb, and get rid of them.

Your Salt Lake City council members are in one of two categories: they are either sheeple who go along because they don't know better, or they are actively endeavoring to take your God-given rights away. If there's a council member who is fighting the good fight, not only would I like to know who it is, but those of you living in SLC should be putting your collective voting weight supporting him or her.

So what's this huge law which is so clearly labeled Agenda 21 that even the blind can see it? Ready for itHere we go: collecting rainwater. Yep, that's it. I know, you were expecting some big thing, like eminent domain of a 90 year old granny's house. Nope. Small and insidious, by degrees. That's how ICLEI and Agenda 21 work.

No matter how great the "perpetrator" (in this case, the Mark Miller Toyota dealership) or small (you, the homeowner), if you collect rainwater in Salt Lake City, YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW, and YOU WILL be prosecuted. Seriously. They're not playing around. "You," (and I'm quoting here) "are breaking the law if you do not have a water right to collect rainwater."

Seriously? Last time I checked the laws of nature, or the Bible (or you Mormons, the Book of Mormon), RAIN comes from God, and falls on the just and unjust, meaning everyone. I get the idea of water rights. I get that you shouldn't be able to build a dam on the Jordan River (I'm talking about the one in Salt Lake, not the one in Israel). WE'RE TALKING COLLECTING RAINWATER that fell on your house or building.

Their logic? Well if EVERYONE did it, think of how that would impact the CITY'S water supply? We (the city government) wouldn't have enough for our purposes. And we wouldn't be able to charge you for it either.

Here's the YouTube video about the person Salt Lake City is prosecuting for collecting rainwater: For those of you who are still unconvinced, please note that the city official doesn't state that he WON'T prosecute the "small fry" homeowner, only that he doesn't have the time. Wow. There's a big relief. I'm protected only by the workload of some bureaucrat.

This video was uploaded in 2008. Since then, vigilant Utahns have worked to get the law modified. As of May 11, 2010, it is "legal" to harvest rainwater in Utah. Unwilling to release its icy tentacles entirely, it may be legal but you still have to REGISTER to legally collect it. Yeah, I'm not kidding. This from from the website:

  • Is the practice of harvesting rainwater legal in Utah?

  • Rainwater harvesting is now legal in the state of Utah, starting May 11 2010. Senate Bill 32 was approved in the 2010 session that provides for the collection and use of precipitation without obtaining a water right after registering on the Division of Water Rights web page ( There is no charge for registration.Storage is limited to one underground 2500 gallon container or two above ground 100 gallon containers. Collection and use are limited to the same parcel of land owned or leased by the rainwater collector.
    To read SB 32 in its entirety click here.
    To register to harvest rainwater click here.

    Realize what that law is saying. If I have a year's supply of dehydrated food, which is going to take 550 gallons water to re-hydrate, if I buy 10 of those blue 55 gallon water barrels and use rainwater to fill them, I AM BREAKING THE LAW. 

    A far wiser person than I once said: "No man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matthew 6:24, KJV). 

    So Salt Lake City: you can either be obedient to God (having a year's supply, be self reliant etc.) or you can be obedient to the law (only keep 3 blue barrels), or you can recognize that even though it has been dialed back, the LAW is still corrupt and get it changed.

    THE REST OF US NEED TO LOOK IN OUR OWN BACKYARD! Is it illegal or quasi legal for you too?

    Saturday, January 26, 2013

    More Juicing Encouragement

    (Prepping has been updated.)

    Most of the family started juicing in earnest this past week. We started with the Mean Green Juice (see Jan 14 post), and have since incorporated other juices as well.

    We purchased Juicing for Life by Cherie Calbom & Maureen Keane for .01 on Amazon (ok, cost us $3.99 for shipping too.) DD16 has really taken to juicing by storm, which makes me happy. 

    We watched the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead as a family which motivated DD16 and DH (DS17 and I were already converted to the benefits of juicing.) DH has lost 6 pounds in a week, even with us eating "normal" (in other words, we're not doing a juice fast.) Grrr.... the good news is DD16 has not lost any weight (she can't afford to) but feels loads better, and the bad news is I haven't lost any weight either. DS13 and DD21 are "ho hum" about it.

    Oh well. Losing weight is simply a by product of juicing. What really matters is that we are feeling better and getting loads more micronutrients than we ever have before.

    DS17 and I agree that since he and I have been juicing for so long, we don't necessarily "feel better" when we are juicing like we did when we first started, but we definitely feel worse when we go off it or don't take the time to juice.

    PLUS I think I have converted DH over to my wish of tearing up the front yard and planting greens out there. Our front yard is south-facing and gets 12 hours of unimpeded sunlight a day. Oh the greens I could grow (if I was a successful gardener anyway!)

    Monday, January 14, 2013

    Mean Green Juice, WOW!

    Have you seen the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead?" It's on NetFlix and Hulu. A documentary about two men both of whom have the disease Uticaria, and are severely overweight. In the process of juicing, they cure their Uticaria, and Joe (the primary documentor) loses 91 pounds, while Phil (the secondary documentee) loses 202 pounds. It's worth watching.

    One of my children has a compromised immune system, and during the summer, we went on a juicing regimen to see if it would make a difference in how we felt, or help. WOW! We felt so much better! We didn't do anything "wild," stuck with easy, familiar to the taste juices, like carrot & apple blend etc., mostly from Jay Kordich's book, The Juiceman (since that's the juicer I have, figured I'd go with the guy who really started it all.)

    We really felt the difference when we went off it. I went from feeling light and airy to dead weight. It took my son about 3 weeks to descend from feeling great to sinus problems etc. Life just got so busy that we went back into bad habits.

    During December, I became acquainted with YouTube's magic, and found a couple of channels from John Kohler. They re-ignited my interest in juicing, he showed me the value of juicing greens (something I had never tried before), and somewhere along the line I was introduced to Joe Cross' documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." 

    Last week I had a pretty severe allergy attack, and this weekend my son came down with the beginnings of the flu. "Enough," I figured, "it's as good a time as any to try Joe's "Mean Green Juice." "

    We have felt so much better today, and my son is doing loads better than he was yesterday or even this morning. It is another testament to me that there is wisdom in having a vegetable, fruit, legumes, beans heavy orientation, and light on the rest. I'm not talented enough to cook vegetables creatively, but I can run 'em through a juicer. I'm looking forward to adding more to our lifestyle, and plan on growing a lot of our own greens.

    Here's Joe's Mean Green Juice recipe:

    6 Kale leaves (in my juicer, flat Kale worked better than curly...I bought both to try)
    4 celery stalks (leaves and all)
    2 green apples (i cheated and only used one; trust me--you want both!)
    1 cucumber (cut a small piece off each end)
    1 piece of ginger (not bigger than an inch)
    1/2 lemon (my juicer wouldn't take the rind, if yours does, you're better off.)

    A friendly piece of advice. If you've been eating a "normal American" diet, heavy with processed foods, meat etc., don't drink this juice in the morning to start off. Do yourself a favor, start drinking in the afternoon or on the weekend when you can stay home and have close access to a restroom. You'll be glad you did!

    Friday, January 11, 2013

    Payroll Tax Impact

    (gardening updated)

    Well, ours wasn't as bad as others. It sure makes me realize though, the wisdom in getting out of debt and staying that way.

    My working budget is less than my husband's take home pay. That's because I usually forget nickle and dime stuff, like NetFlix, TheBlazeTV (see, I just remembered that one, now I have to go back and adjust my budget!!), etc., so I left about $53 in the checking account "just in case." There's always a Redbox fee or a "I had to buy lunch" debit I don't know about till it shows up...!

    Anyway, the "net to us" on my paper budget was only $1 less, so that was a big sigh of relief. I was hoping it wasn't going to be more than $25. Don't get me wrong: that translates to a real $54 a paycheck or $108 a month in real money we no longer have. But I'm grateful; a dual income couple I know just had their disposable income go down by $400  this month due to the 2% payroll tax hike. 

    I belong to the DaveRamsey Debt Beater's yahoogroup. We've been discussing this topic for the past week or so. No one else seems as annoyed as I was by the 2% hike; perhaps they were just better prepared than I was for it. I guess it bothers me so much because that 2% isn't really going into SSI. It's really going to offset the $716 BILLION dollars the President et all stole to pay for Obamacare. 

    And it angers me that the American people were so stupid to believe that the "only" people who would be paying "their fair share" (what an oxymoron) were those making $250k or more, so they voted for the "free" stuff guy.  I hope they're happy. I am less secure in my person, property, wealth and liberty, and I am paying more for it.

    The price we pay for living in an unrighteous society.

    Friday, January 4, 2013

    We're LIVE on YouTube!

    (Debt has been updated)

    January 4th

    Holy Moly, my daughter's a tech genius! We bought a two chamber composter from Home Depot a few months ago, but I was saving it "for Christmas." All the reviews say that the assembly instructions are horrific (they are), so we thought we'd film it so others can assemble theirs easier.

    My DD16 did the filming, editing and uploading to YouTube. WOW! She did a great job! I told her this could work out to be a good little side business for her. There are plenty of people out there who can film (more or less) and want to upload it, but don't know how to get it from Point A to Point C, while passing through the Point B of adding titles, music, subtitles, etc.

    You can watch the video and her work at:

    By the way: Love the composter, HATE those itty bitty screws !!

    Tuesday, January 1, 2013


    PREPPING was updated January 2nd!

    Check out the Gardening Page !!  So excited to break the news about the best website EVER for Gardeners (young, old, newbies, experienced hands.)

    It's called:

    Photos and screen shots on my Gardening tab.